personal injury lawyer

6 Reasons To Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer in Hawaii

About 24.8 million people visit a physician’s office every year due to unintentional injuries. Another 97.9 million people visit an ER. Meanwhile, nearly 201,000 people die every year due to unintentional injuries. If you were recently in an accident due to someone else’s negligence, contact a personal injury lawyer right away. They can help you fight for the compensation you deserve.

Not sure if you want to hire a Honolulu attorney for your case? Read on to discover the reasons you need an injury lawyer in Hawaii today.

1. Liability Isn’t Certain

After an accident, you’ll need to prove the other party’s negligence caused the incident. You’ll also need to prove their negligence caused you bodily harm. Unfortunately, liability isn’t clear in every personal injury case.

Make sure to call a Honolulu attorney immediately after an accident. They can hire an investigator to gather evidence. Then, they can prove the other party’s negligence caused the accident.

Determining liability can help you win your personal injury claim.

Otherwise, the other party involved might try to blame you for what happened.

Don’t wait for the other party to point the finger in your direction. Hiring a personal injury attorney can also ensure you’re safe from cross- and counter-claims. Either way, you’ll have peace of mind knowing a capable lawyer is at your side.

2. To Protect Your Interests

Remember, the other party might try to blame you for the accident. You could have to pay for their medical bills, property damage, lost wages, and other expenses. Before that can happen, call a Hawaii personal injury attorney.

Your injury attorney will ensure you’re protected from a lawsuit.

If you try to handle the case on your own, you could waste valuable time. Your lack of expertise in the manner can also weaken your claim. A judge might not take you seriously if you try to handle the situation alone.

An experienced injury attorney will protect your best interests. They’ll fight with your goals and needs in mind, too.

3. Resources and Expertise

There are now over 146,000 personal injury lawyers and attorneys across the US. Before hiring an injury attorney, look into their professional history. Finding a lawyer with years of experience will give you peace of mind.

An experienced lawyer will have the resources and expertise needed to win your case.

For example, they might hire an investigator to gather evidence. They might call a medical expert to speak regarding your injuries.

Their experience and expertise can help strengthen your personal injury claim.

Without a Honolulu attorney, however, you might struggle to navigate the complexities of personal injury law.

4. To Cover Losses

After you’re in an accident in Hawaii, don’t hesitate to visit a physician. Only a doctor can fully assess your injuries. Your personal injury lawyer will use the doctor’s report to build your case.

If you suffered from severe injuries, your medical bills could start piling up over time. Make sure to keep track of every doctor’s appointment, treatment, and prescription. Your personal injury attorney will need these documents to prove your losses.

Hiring an injury lawyer will ensure you win the compensation you need to cover these expenses. Otherwise, you’ll have to pay for your medical bills and other costs out of pocket.

For example, perhaps you’re unable to work due to your injuries. Your lawyer can use your previous pay stubs to determine your lost wages.

To calculate the compensation you’re due, the insurance company will follow an outline criterion. They’ll consider the:

  • Type of injury you sustained
  • How long you’ll need to recover
  • The total cost of your medical bills

Your lawyer will also consider whether your injuries will cause a long-term or even permanent disability. As a result of your injury, you might have to change jobs or responsibilities. You could end up working at a diminished capacity as a result.

If you sustained severe injuries, you could even reach the at-fault party’s insurance policy limit. As a result, you might need to pay a portion of your medical bills on your own.

Hiring a Honolulu attorney will give you peace of mind if your medical bills and other expenses begin stacking up. They’ll calculate the full extent of your losses.

With their help, you don’t have to leave money on the table.

Instead, your lawyer will fight at your side to win the full amount of compensation you rightfully deserve.

5. For Negotiations

Don’t make the mistake of trying to negotiate with the insurance company on your own.

If you’re taking powerful painkillers, the insurance company might try to take advantage of your current state. They could even use something you say against you to indicate you were at fault. The insurance company might try to toss out your claim.

They might send you less than you need to cover your losses, too.

Instead, protect your best interests by hiring a personal injury lawyer.

Your lawyer knows how to negotiate with insurance companies. If the insurance company refuses to pay, they’ll fight. If the insurance company delays paying out your claim, they can help.

Hiring a lawyer will give you peace of mind. You won’t have to handle these situations alone.

6. To Avoid Mistakes

Trying to navigate the complexities of personal injury law can feel exhausting and time-consuming, especially if you lack experience. You could make a costly mistake when filing your claim. Even one small paperwork error could get your claim tossed out.

Before that can happen, hire a personal injury attorney. They’ll ensure you don’t make any costly mistakes.

They can also help you review your legal options, allowing you to make informed decisions moving forward.

Make Your Case: Hire Your Hawaii Personal Injury Lawyer Today

Don’t try to handle a personal injury claim on your own. Instead, make sure to hire a Hawaii personal injury lawyer immediately after an accident. With their help, you can avoid leaving money on the table.

Instead, you can fight for the full amount of compensation you deserve.

Want to discuss the details of your case with a member of our team? We’re here to help.

Contact our office today to get started.