car accident lawyer

5 Top Benefits of Hiring a Car Accident Lawyer

Every year, an estimated 6 million road accidents happen in America. Three million people are injured as a result, with about two-thirds of victims experiencing permanent injuries.

Being involved in a car accident can prove devastating, both physically and emotionally. Some car accidents prove fatal, with over 38,000 Americans losing their lives annually after being involved in traffic accidents.

If you or your loved one has been involved in a car accident, you may want to seek compensation. This is especially the case if the car accident was someone else’s fault. Calling a car accident lawyer should be one of the first steps to take in this case.

But what exactly can a car accident attorney help you? Read on to find out.

1. Your Attorney Helps You Know What to Say

What you say immediately following an accident can significantly hurt your case. That’s why you need to be extremely careful with your utterances regarding the accident.

The other party’s insurance company may contact you and ask you to offer a written or recorded statement about the case. Any information that you divulge that can hurt your claim will be capitalized on by the insurance company.

Once you hire an attorney, you have a knowledgeable professional on your corner directing you on what to say or not say. Your lawyer will make sure that you only say what you need to without putting your right to compensation in jeopardy.

2. A Car Accident Lawyer Can Help Determine Fault 

Establishing fault is a key step in your quest for compensation. A competent attorney will do what it takes to ensure you understand the fault rules in your state. More than that, they’ll help determine which party is at fault.

Don’t be discouraged if you were partially at fault for the car accident. Your attorney may still be able to ensure you qualify for compensation.

In some states, the rule of comparative fault is followed, where an adjuster proportionally reduces the amount each party receives in compensation by the amount of the party’s fault in the accident.

3. Your Attorney Helps Gather Valuable Evidence

You can’t prove your case without relevant evidence. The best car accident lawyer knows exactly what evidence is needed to build a strong case. This includes police reports of the accident, photos of the scene of the accident, medical records on injuries you suffered during the accident, and so on. 

Where you need testimony from eyewitnesses, your attorney will be sure to get it. They’ll also collect evidence from expert witnesses if necessary, including the testimony of an accident reconstruction expert where applicable. These statements are vital in proving essential aspects of your claim.

A good car accident attorney moves swiftly to collect important evidence before it disappears. Where you need subpoenas to access certain evidence, such as security camera footage and mobile phone records, your attorney will know how to go about it.

4. Your Attorney Can Help You Avoid Settling Too Early 

Typically, insurance companies put pressure on their adjusters to settle accident cases for as little amount of money as possible. Because they know that you’re vulnerable, insurance adjusters will use strong-arm and scare tactics to get you to settle for peanuts. 

When you’re scared about your future or can’t think clearly due to the effects of the medication you’re taking, it’s easy to accept whatever amount the insurance company offers you.

When you hire a lawyer, it’s difficult for insurers to take advantage of you. A seasoned car accident can spot an insurer’s strong-arm tactics from a mile away and isn’t afraid of standing up to them.

They do what it takes to ensure you don’t settle too early. Your attorney buys you the time you need to find out the full extent of how the injuries you suffered in the car accident will affect your life and career. Remember, by accepting an early settlement, you’re essentially waiving away your rights to additional compensation for the accident, even if you do develop new complications. 

An accident attorney helps to make sure that you don’t miss out on the full amount of compensation you need to cover all future costs related to the car accident.

5. Your Attorney Helps Calculate Your Rightful Compensation 

It’s hardly likely that you know how much money you should be paid for the injuries you suffered in the accident. The fact is numerous factors are involved during the calculation of your compensation. 

For instance, it’s essential to consider both the current and future medical expenses related to the physical injuries you suffered in the accident. The emotional and psychological trauma suffered in the accident also needs to be compensated. If you’re employed, then you’ll also need to be compensated for all the lost wages during your recovery period.

Without an experienced car accident attorney by your side, it’s difficult to assign the right figures to these factors. But once you hire a lawyer to represent you, they can do the necessary calculations and come up with an amount that makes a lot of sense for you.

It’s very unlikely that the insurance company will accept to pay the amount your attorney quotes right away. Don’t let that bother you, as your lawyer knows how to negotiate. In the end, the figure you receive will still be much more than you’d have gotten without an attorney.

A Car Accident Lawyer Can Make All the Difference in Your Case

If you were in a traffic accident, hiring a car accident lawyer is one of the best moves you can make. Such an attorney can help you successfully navigate the claims process and receive your reserved compensation. 

Are you interested in the services of a reliable car accident attorney in your area? Contact us today to learn how we can help.